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Safeguarding Information

Useful sites:

www.childline.org.uk- online and phone advice on a range of issues for children by counsellors. 

www.nspcc.org.uk- lots of advice for parents about how to keep your child safe and advice preventing and reporting abuse.

www.thinkuknow.co.uk- advice about online safety including details of specific apps and sites.

www.educateagainsthate.com - advice for parents about protecting children from extremism or radicalisation. 

ceop.police.uk/safety-centre- reporting online bullying or advice for children about keeping safe online.

youngminds.org.uk- Young Minds is a charity promoting children's wellbeing and mental health.

www.actionforchildren.org.uk- charity that can provide support for young carers.


If parents or visitors visit school, they will wear a yellow visitor lanyard which they will have collect from the office having signed in. Children and adults are encouraged to challenge anyone not wearing a visitor lanyard in school.


All staff in school have undertaken a DBS check. Our policy is that this will be reviewed on a 3-yearly cycle. Volunteers that come into school must also have a DBS clearance if they are:

*have extended contact with children

* if they are working unsupervised with children

Visitors who do not have a DBS check will not work unsupervised with children.


We do allow parents to take photos and short videos of their child involved in a school production or assembly. Parents are asked to understand that these photos or videos are personal memories for your family. We ask that these are not published on social media. Parents are asked for consent when starting at school before photos are taken and if photos are to be used publicly (website, newspaper etc.) you will be asked for your consent again. 

Safeguarding Statement at Gwyn Jones Primary School

At Gwyn Jones Primary School, the well-being and health and safety of all of our children is of paramount importance. As parents, you send your children to school each day with the expectation that the school provides a secure and safe environment in which they can flourish and be happy. In order to ensure that this expectation becomes reality, we put a wide range of measures in place.

As a school, we are fully committed the important part of the wider safeguarding system for children. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child. At Gwyn Jones, this is at the core of all our actions.

The school has 5 members of staff who are part of the safeguarding team who are fully trained Chloe Alder -DHT (DSL), Sian Boutalbi-HT (DDSL), Fiona Corr- AHT (DDSL), Jolene Harriott- EYFS Lead (DDSL) and Andrea Ruddock- Teatime club (DDSL) and a designated safeguarding governor (Rik McShane). 

Our aim is that children should develop self-confidence, gain a balanced view of their society and the world through a curriculum based on their understanding of Rights and Responsibilities. 

In school, this means:

*promoting the welfare of children by teaching them about keeping safe and healthy, not just in terms diet and exercise but in terms of online safety and safety in the local community. This takes place across the curriculum.

* supporting children to talk to adults when they feel unsafe or worried.

*ensuring children understand our safeguarding procedures and policies. 

We work with other organisations to achieve this including NSPCC, Childline, Waltham Forest Safeguarding team, CEOP and the local Police.

We will always listen to you and work closely with you if we are concerned about your child but, sometimes, we may not be able to discuss our concern. The school has a safeguarding policy which tells you more about this and when we must speak to the police or children’s services. 

Amongst the Safeguarding Team, Sian Boutalbi is responsible for online safety and Chloe Alder is Responsible for Looked After and Adopted children and CSE.

Complaints—If you have any complaints about how the school is working with you or your child please feel confident to speak to us. The Head Teacher will always be happy to speak to you to resolve any difficulties. It is better to speak to us as soon as you have a concern so that it does not become a bigger issue. If you do not feel the matter has been resolved, you can raise your concerns with the governing body.


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