Welcome to Gwyn Jones Nursery
Welcome to Gwyn Jones Nursery!
We offer morning, afternoon and full time places for our families.
We have 1 teacher and 2 Early Years Professional keyworkers in our setting who play, nurture and support the children in their chosen activities and interests.
We have a free flow routine throughout the session, this enables children to make their own choices and follow their interests in both the indoor area and the garden. We come together on the carpet for singing, stories and 'Star of the Day' before hometime.
Admissions to Nursery:
There is a universal entitlement for all 3 and 4 year old children to access 15 hours (FEEE) of free childcare. Children are eligible in the term after their 3rd birthday.
An additional 15 hours free early education entitlement (FEEE) is available for working families (subject to criteria). This combined with the 15 hours FEEE could provide up to a total of 30 hours FEEE. Parents can check if they are eligible for 30 hour nursery provision by visiting www.childcarechoices.gov.uk Parents are provided with a code to use to claim their entitlement. Parents who are not entitled to 30 hours FEEE can pay for additional hours.
At Gwyn Jones Primary School we offer FEEE entitlement as follows:
5x 3 hour morning sessions 8.45am to 11.45am
5x 3 hour afternoon sessions 12.15 – 3.15pm
5x 6 hour all day sessions 8.45 am to 3.15pm (a limited number of places are available).
In order to provide continuity of care, Gwyn Jones Primary funds a half hour lunch break between 11.45-12.15pm. Children will need to bring a packed lunch and are supervised during this time.
We also offer an early years breakfast (7.45 to 8.45) and early years after school club (3.15 to 6pm) at an additional cost.
Children are eligible to start at Gwyn Jones Nursery the term before their 3rd birthday. Places are allocated according to age with priority given to:
· children who are looked after children (LAC) or have been previously looked after (PLAC).
· Children with an EHCP.
· sibling children
· children living in the local area
· Children with additional needs will be considered individually.
Parents are able to request a preference for either session or a full-time place but we cannot guarantee that all preferences will be met. Please note that admission to Gwyn Jones Nursery does not guarantee your child a school place at statutory school age. Application enquiries can be made in the School Office.